Group Registration

Caution 1

Only do this form if your team members are finazlied.

Caution 2

Do NOT submit this form multiple times.

Caution 3

In order for this to work properly, all entered github user names should already be a member of jhu-oose Github organization. If you are not, do Github Onboarding form first.


If you run into problems, send a private message on Piazza. Include all the information from the form below.


After you register your group, the group members are invited to a GitHub Team, which grants you access to your group's repository. You’ll use this repository throughout the course to submit iterations, receive reviews, communicate with your advisor, and so forth.

You must register your group using the form below:

Group Registration
This must be a valid GitHub identifier: it may only contain alphanumeric characters or single hyphens, and cannot begin or end with a hyphen. Don’t include an `@` sign at the beginning—this isn’t a mention. You may choose an identifier related to your project if you already decided on one. Or you may just choose a name for your group, for example, `power-oosers`.

These must be the GitHub identifiers of registered students. Don’t include an `@` sign at the beginning—this isn’t a mention. GitHub identifiers **do not** start with `2020-student-fall-`. Groups must have 5 or 6 members, unless you have an approval from the instructor.